Powerful words, but more powerful are the people that turn those words into action…and we are thankful for them, their courage, the example they set for us, and the difference they make.

While we give thanks for all the blessings bestowed on us as a great nation, we want to take a moment to break tradition and focus on one person.


As many who follow us know, we support the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) and its Good Grief Camp for kids that have lost a loved one in active military service. (https://www.maddafella.com/blogs/general-interest/60034053-remembering-our-fallen-heroes-and-those-left-behind)

However, you may not know much about the courageous woman that made the difference in countless lives. As you read this, I’d encourage you to think about who you know…maybe even in your home right now, that has made a difference in your life and whom you are thankful for.

On November12th, 1992, not long before the Thanksgiving holiday, Bonnie Carroll lost her husband, Brigadier General Tom Carroll, in an Army C-12 plane crash. She struggled for a couple of years, found there was no support for people in her situation, and in 1994 used the life insurance money from her husbands death to form TAPS.

Through the years Bonnie has selflessly given of herself, as have thousands of volunteers, in helping people through perhaps the most difficult period in life.


I have known and worked with Bonnie and the TAPS (www.taps.org) organization for over 15 years. If the phrase “ Doing God’s work…” ever has meaning, it is with her and her incredible team.

This week our nation recognized Bonnie with the Medal of Freedom award, the highest civilian honor in the United States. (www.taps.org/BonnieCarroll/)

I can’t think of a more worthy person, not one who has made a difference in so many lives…and in lives that were crushed with the loss of a loved one serving our nation.

As we all give thanks this weekend, please take a moment and think about who has made a difference in your life.

Let’s take this one step further. How are you making a difference?

It is within each of us to find that moment, that person, that time in our lives where we give selflessly and make a difference. And while we celebrate a holiday, let’s each take that extra moment to challenge ourselves to be a little stronger, better and give more then we receive.

Bonnie…thank you for all that you have done to make the road easier to bear for so many. While I’d say congratulations…I know you … and know from your perspective that it’s not about you, but all of the people in the TAPS family.
