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Thank You

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During this time of the year when we all reflect on what’s good, thought we’d share a quick update.

First…Thank you.

It’s been one heck of a journey.

As a small business we are ever mindful of the enormous challenges competing in a tidal wave of large conglomerates. 

We are grateful for all of the support we’ve received from each of you, our business partners in Key West, and our own team. Without that deep support, unlikely we’d have made it through the challenges of the “lock-downs”, clogged supply chains, and economic instability for small business. Reports vary, but hundreds of thousands of small businesses closed the past 20 months.

In chaos there can also come opportunity. 

During this stretch, we expanded operations for the anchor store at Zero Duval in Key West (on-site at Ocean Key Resort). If you can’t visit the store, drop in at

We’ve also expanded and strengthened our partnerships with some of top, tropical women’s lines in the world. For most, we are their exclusive partner in Key West. 

We continue to operate the Surf Shack out on the pier. Wow, talk about a great “office”!

We do all of our own designs, and appreciate the walk-up support of so many that visit during sunset, or just take in the live music on the pier. Quite frankly, the popularity of the Surf Shack led us to create a page on our website, Surf Shack, offering some of our most popular designs. Now, you can snag some tropical sunshine wherever you are!


On a final note, we do indeed live in a great country. 

Whenever doubt comes in, think about the ping-pong ball drill. Imagine your life as a ping-pong ball. You can keep it, or toss it into a massive tub filled with other ping-pong balls, each representing a different life. 

You get one “pull from the tub of balls”, but it’s against the big human “gene pool”.  Chances are less then 1 in 20 you’d be back in the United States, roughly about 1 in 3 you’d end up in China or India. Would you take that chance?

Let’s all focus on what’s right and good here, be grateful we have the freedoms to create positive change, make a difference where we can, and operate with the informal Key West motto: “One Human Family”. 

We are grateful to each of you. Thank you and stay safe. Stop in when you are down this way. 


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